Testimonials What the community is saying about TEST..

We Love Our Community Read Below to Find Out How Our Community Feels About TEST
Thank you just isn't enough, but it is from the bottom of my heart.
I’ve been off work almost 4 months with emergency surgery that caught me totally off guard. I went to the doctor for abdominal pain and feeling as though I could not relieve myself fully. This all started Jan 3rd, and after 3 trips to the hospital and MRI and CAT scans and blood work, it was decided I had a small tumor on my ovary. The decision was finally made to remove it. But a big surprise hit when the surgery started, two extra surgeons were called in and they found my internal organs were basically fused together and had to be cut apart. The sigmoid colon was infected and the colon itself and the lower intestinal tract all had to be dealt with, major infection, but Thank God there was no cancer.
My intestinal tract was separated to allow the colon to heal, I needed another surgery 3 months later to reconnect the intestines and remove an ileostomy I had to deal with. Life was truly painful and depressing with all of this hitting at once. I must tell you everyone at Kaiser Permanente were great, I couldn’t have asked for better treatment and home nurses. I am almost healed and estimated to return to work in mid May.
All of this took a huge toll on me physically, psychologically and financially. My faith sustains me but I went through an emergency withdrawal of all my funds from my retirement account, my tax return money, my credit cards and short term disability pays only $138.00 per week after taxes, which comes nowhere close to meeting my house payment, utilities, insurance, car, loan payments and food. I was behind on several payments and then I went to sign-up at Center St.
I saw the big sign about TEST and wrote down the web address. I knew nothing about you, and you’ve never met me. I sent a note and asked if you could please help me. You called within 10 minutes of my sending the e-mail to you and I told you what was happening. You and I spoke and I told you I had filed all the forms for disability and was approved, but after so long a time I was behind and didn’t know how I was going to make my house payment. You are a God sent answer to my prayers, by the time I hung up the phone, I had a new friend that cared and TEST, basically you Michael, said you didn’t have a lot of funds at this time because TEST is funded by payroll gifts, but you’d put a check in the mail. I’m enclosing a picture of my first check you mailed me. You have no idea how our conversation and your generosity have impacted my circumstances. God Bless you!
You may use my letter in any way you choose. I will encourage all TriMet friends to support TEST with a small payroll deduction. You and TEST had my back in a time I had no other resources available, I have no family left to call on. Together, we can all help each other. I will save the note you enclosed with the check forever. It simply said “From your friends that care” and on the check memo was written “from the love of helping friends!”
Thank you just isn’t enough, but it is from the bottom of my heart.
I am one of your coworkers who benefited greatly from the TEST.
I went through two rounds of chemotherapy and used up every speck of paid time off that I had. Since then, I have been in remission for more than three years, and am so grateful to my TriMet family for the long-term care and continued opportunity here. Please donate a bit from each check; the next person who needs it could be you or yours.
Thank you again, to all of you, and especially to Michael Luce. He really is a real Santa.
Merry Christmas!

My name is Jim Mitrano #7994.
I have personally benefited from this program.
I’ve been out of work since February 10th 2018 due to severe trauma to my left leg that almost cost me my leg and then quite literally my life. Complications abound and it’s been one heck of a year for my family. I was the only income and with over a month in the hospital, another in rehab, then another few weeks back in the hospital, back to home based care, back to the hospital AGAIN, it really was the worst time!
I remember sitting in a Walmart parking lot with my wife heading in to get my truck load of meds I’ve been on and trying to figure out how to buy milk, bread and dinner for the kids. We’d already been to the food bank that month. On top of that I had all the bills closing in, phone, electric, rent, car… etc! I started to crack and broke down because I felt like I was failing my family.
You see, I’m a strong proud Italian man and come from hard working stock with a hard work ethic. Here I was in this helpless situation… What do I do next?
Just then the phone rings, it’s this guy named Mike and he’s talking to me about this and that and I’m thinking I remember seeing something about this in the report area. Well then he says he’s sending me a check to help out. I told him I couldn’t pay him back, I didn’t know what to say or do. He said, it’s a gift I never have to worry about it. It’s just one way that he can help. Since then he’s helped me a few times now, with money and a food box and help with household cleaning items. The generosity I’ve received is overwhelming! I asked what I could do to help, he said spread the word about T.E.S.T. That’s what I’m doing.
I feel the more people that know about this and know what they do for you should you be in a similar situation, the more we can help. I urge anyone reading this to donate a minimum of $2.50 per paycheck, believe me you won’t miss it. You never know when a unexpected illness or injury would prevent you from working over a period of time. If we had all 3,000+ employees giving $2.50 per check, the help that we could provide would be life changing in that helpless feeling moment like mine.
Please join me in giving thanks to Mike and TEST for all you’ve done for my family.

I am also one of your fellow sisters that has gratefully been blessed through the support of Michael Luce and TEST during a very difficult time.
I am living with a rare incurable chronic condition called Sarcoidosis that can attack any part of your body and/or organs. My lungs and lymph nodes were the first to be affected and has taken 21 months to go into remission. Studies today are ongoing for a cure. Sense, with much appreciation I have returned to work in a new position, unable to continue in what I was doing before. After returning to work I dealt with a lot more hard times, missing work from flare ups, learning my Sarcoidosis had moved into my bones, muscles, and joints, medical side effects from treatment, therapy, debilitating struggles, current new Infusions at the hospital to help along with my other ongoing treatments, and follow ups with my specialists.
All the while Michael Luce and fellow co-workers of TEST remained a strong support by me and my family’s side graciously helping us through. I truly don’t know where we would have been without them. Providing us with such great support!
This help included funds for medical bills, prescriptions, household bills, as well as meals sent to my home, household supplies, hygiene and other amazing help, including a beautiful Christmas tree. I can’t express enough how important of a role TEST has played in my life and can for other fellow co-workers during such catastrophic events. Please donate, let’s be that strong support for all our sisters and brothers for life’s unexpected curves.
Thank you from the heart to Michael Luce and fellow co-workers of TEST.
Many Blessings and Merry Christmas all!

Out of the blue, this group TEST sent us a $1300 check 2 days before Christmas to help with our medical and living expenses!!
God is so Good and, in spite of some Major health problems in 2015, He has continually helped us through everything!
Praise you Jesus, thank you for Loving us!!

It is the ONLY program of its kind in the Northwest.
I have been a Founding member since inception, and have been actively assisting operators how to signup and get involved with the TEST program. Having seen first hand all the help Michael Luce and our Team has done and changed so many peoples lives, it needs to be made much more aware of. I have been recently injured and now has come time to think about my own personal options, but guess what?
Michael Luce called ME!
So if you’re thinking it can never happen to you like I did, let me be the first to tell you its a blessing to have TEST here… sign up… get involved…

I have been a founding member since Mike approached me years ago.
I donate $25.00 a check to this great cause. I never dreamed I’d someday be a recipient. That’s my point. You never know when a life changing health event can happen as they’re never planned. In late 2010 I was diagnosed with a rare aggressive cancer. I was off work for over a year with major surgeries, chemo, radiation and recovery. Some of the best phone calls I had during that time was from Mike telling me he had enough funds again to share amongst transit employees. I’m a believer in what Mike does and will continue to support “TEST” into my retirement.
One time and not long ago my husband called Mike and he was out late at night looking for a Christmas tree for a person that had been ill. That is just who Mike is.
I would also like to thank TriMet employees for donating into the catastrophic bank their time and money.
Thank you Mike for what you do. Please consider starting a bi-weekly contribution with TEST for 2019. We just go out to dinner one less time a month to help make a difference in a co-workers life!

Thank you so much for your generosity at such a difficult time for us.
Losing Bonnie was such a shock to her whole family.
Thank you for starting “Transit Employee support Team”. When you first started talking about it, I never thought that I would ever need it myself. Thank you for being there for the whole TriMet Family. I can’t thank you enough.